Matt McSorley is President of Major Capital Projects LLC. Matt utilizes both his knowledge and his network to bring solutions to the challenges when investing in or planning major capital projects, or making investments into Engineering, Procurement and Construction firms.
Matt has over thirty years of international experience in project management, engineering, construction and sales in a wide range of capital projects focused on the oil, gas, chemicals and power sector. Matt held C-Suite roles at one of the largest engineering and construction firms in the USA in both business and functional leadership roles.
After graduating from The Citadel with a BS in Civil Engineering in 1991, Matt joined Fluor as a structural engineer in Houston. Matt worked on several petroleum and petrochemical projects in various locations. He was then assigned to a large construction site as the lead engineer for all civil/structural activities.
Matt joined Fluor’s Global Automation Team focusing on project execution systems and consistency in the use of technology on capital projects. He was then placed on assignment to The Netherlands for three years. While in The Netherlands he held roles in project management, contracts management and sales coordination.
He returned to Southern California as a project manager on a clean fuels project and later moved into the Operations & Maintenance Business Unit driving business development in the west coast United States and Canada.
In 2004, Matt was placed on loan to the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland to represent the Engineering and Construction Industry at the Forum. He spent two years working with CEOs from around the world, multi-lateral development banks and NGOs focused on the industry agenda, anti-corruption, risk management and disaster relief initiatives.
Matt moved back to The Netherlands as the Vice President of Business Development, responsible for the Chemical Business Line sales in Europe and the Middle East. He also had administrative oversight for all sales in Europe.
Matt was then assigned as Vice President of Houston Office Operations. In this role he was responsible for all execution functions, resources, work environment, and business continuity planning for projects executed from the office, which involved over 3,500 employees.
Matt took over as Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Strategic Planning for Fluor’s Energy & Chemicals Group, which entailed leading the business development and strategy globally. In this role Matt’s team booked $21 billion of new awards in two years. Matt was subsequently President of the Power Business, which had an annual revenue of $1 billion.
After this role, Matt reported to the CEO as an Executive Vice President responsible for the corporate functions of Engineering, Project Controls, Estimating, Quality and Safety. In Quality he created a requirements-based methodology, which included significant upgrades in Engineering and Project Controls. Matt’s team created Fluor’s Data Centric Execution approach implementing a new Data Governance organization, new systems, data analytics, along with piloting predictive analytics using the IBM Watson AI platform.
Matt is a licensed professional Civil Engineer. He attended Thunderbird’s “Leadership in the Global Enterprise” program and also completed the Center for Creative Leadership’s “Leadership at the Peak” program.